The Garden in Every Sense and Season - A Book Review

Garden Memories
a collage piece

 My garden is a constant source of inspiration, joy, and hard work, but I love it. Gardening themes show up everywhere in my artwork, like this collage made of magazine scraps. 

Reading is also a source of gardening inspiration. Tovah Martin's The Garden in Every Sense and Season is one such book that I recently read. She has broken the book into four sections for the four seasons, and within each season into the five senses. Too often we work so hard in the garden that we don't take the time to enjoy the fruits of our labors. Tovah shows us how to immerse ourselves into the abundance that our work has brought forth. 

I went searching through my photos to find examples of the times I took Tovah Martin's advice to be mindful in the garden. 


Busy Bee - late spring

Early spring - sun rise


Taste of Summer - Pesto made with the basil from my garden 

Summer blooms - day lily, hostas, liatris, and balloon flowers in the background

Fall Time

Snow before Halloween

I used fall leaves and pumpkins to aid in my drawing these pieces of art fodder for this artwork. 


Winter morning 

Inspiration for my art 

I'm hoping that you too will be inspired to go out in your garden or anywhere outdoors and explore the landscape with your five senses. 
